SPL's Database SPLのデータベース
Universities & Research Institutes 大学・研究機関・学会
- 国際宇宙法学会
International Institute for Space Law - 欧州宇宙政策研究所 European Center for Space Law
- ジョージタウン大学 宇宙法サイト
Georgetown University - Space Law - パリ・サクレ大学 衛星宇宙法研究所
l'universite Paris-Saclay - IDEST - 慶応大学 宇宙法センター
Keio University - Space Law Center - ライデン大学 国際航空宇宙法研究所
Leiden University - International Institute of Air and Space Law - マックギル大学 航空宇宙法研究所
McGill University - Institute of Air and Space Law - ケルン大学 宇宙法サイバー法研究所
University of Cologne - Institute of Air Law, Space Law and Cyber Law
Journals, Periodicals, Serial Pulicationsジャーナル
- Peace Palace Library - Space Law
- Advanced Space Law: [2018-] Open access online journs.
- Air & Space Law: [2014-] a series of Kluwer Law Online Journals.
- Annals of Air and Space Law: [1983-] American Bar Association. Forum Committee on Air and Space Law.
- Aviation / Aerospace Law and Policy Series
- Cologne Commentary on Space Law
- Essential Air and Space Law: a collection of prominent studies in this particular field of law
- Forum for Air and Space Law
- Journal of Air Law and Commerce
- Journal of Space Law
- Proceedings of the … Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space: a collection of articles presented at the IISL Colloquium.
- Revue francaise de droit aerien et spatial
- Schriften zum Luft- und Weltraumrecht: [1973-].
- Studies in Space Law
- Utrecht Studies in Air and Space Law
- Yearbook on Space Policy
- Zeitschrift fur Luft- und Weltraumrecht
*Most of Journals below are available on HeinOnline.
- Baranes, B., "Bibliography of Space Policy Publications 2014", in C. Al-Ekabi (et al.) (eds.), Yearbook on Space Policy 2014: the Governance of Space, Wien, Springer, 2016, pp. 303-316.
- HeinOnline Air and Space Law Bibliography
- Hogan, J.C., "Space Law Bibliography", Journal of Air Law and Commerce, 23 (1956), No. 3, pp. 317-325.
- Fifty Years of Space Law ? Space Law in 50 Years: Selected Bibliography = Cinquante ans de droit de l'espace - le droit de l'espace dans 50 ans: bibliographie se?lective, The Hague, Peace Palace Library, 2017 [PDF].
- White, I.L., C.E. Wilson and J.A. Vosburgh, Law and Politics in Outer Space: A Bibliography, Tucson, AZ, University of Arizona Press, 1972.